
« -First of all, a BIG thank you to some great companies that have supported me!

 D'Addario has been my string of choice for nearly two decades.  Long before I even considered playing professionally!  Strings are ultimately your point-of-contact with your instrument and play a huge role in how you sound as well as how you feel when playing.  I've used almost every major string brand on the planet, but I've always quickly come back to D'Addario XL's!  They sound and feel like home.  D'Addario is remarkably consistent from package to package and their range of products covers anything you could possibly need.  Thanks, D'Addario, for taking such great care of me!  http://www.daddario.com


I'd also link to thank Fender and Epiphone for their invaluable help in the past!  I still use a variety of instruments, effects, amps and accessories & have been proud to use these companies products & still do.